A content managementsystem, or as most of you know it by CMS, is a software which helpsusers create, modify and manage website content. The best part isthere is no need to have any special technical skills or knowledge.
To put it simply,CMS helps create a website without the need to code.
The contentmanagement system handles all basic infrastructure such as creatingpages, storing images or simply giving you the opportunity to focuson more important aspects of your website.
How does theWordPress CMS work?
Without a CMS youwould need to write a static HMTL file for simple sites, or acombination of HTML/CSS/JS/PHP/MySQL for more complex and dynamicsites, which you would have to upload it to your server. With acontent system such as WordPress, you can simply write the content inan interface, very similar to Microsoft Word. The CMS allows for allof your content to show up for users the way you want it.
What makes a CMS?
A content managementsystem is made up of two parts:
- CMA –content management application – this allows you to add, manage andedit content.
- CDA –content delivery application – this is the behind the scenesprocess which takes the content you put in the CMA, stores it andmakes it visible to users.
When these twosystems work together, they maintain your site.
WordPress CMS
WordPress is theideal example for a content management system. It maintains over 60%market share of websites built on a CMS. WordPress is often used topower blogs, static websites, online stores, forums, social networks,etc. It provides the flexibility to modify your content, it’s userfriendly and well made, which allows users with no technicalbackground to give it a try. It is also rumored that Google loves thestructure of WordPress sites in terms of SEO so it tends to rank themhigher.
WordPress wasdesigned as a blogging platform with the main goal of helping userspublish their message online. All of this is reflected in theuser-friendly SEO tools – source code, themes, and plugins.
SEO in the sourcecode
The source code forthe SEO includes the structure and coding for a generic WordPresswebsite, including elements which directly support SEO.
The incorporatedHTML markup help such sites for be easily understood and thereforecrawled by the search engines. The core also includes options foroptimizing images for searches, such as descriptions and alt tags.You can write complex text with heading tags and title. Using theadmin dashboard users can create meta descriptions or incorporatecertain SEO tools into posts and pages.
Themes SupportingSEO
Most WordPressthemes contain the same HTML markup which accommodates Google bots. Alot of the new themes include mobile friendly features, while some ofthe older ones provide the ability to add features, such as enhancedoptions to add metadata or mobile responsiveness.
SEO Plugins
Every part of yourwebsite has SEO potential and WordPress SEO Plugins can help you takefull advantage of this. They allow you to set up meta descriptions,keyword placement, evaluate a post in terms of SEO before publishingit.
Fast, free andcustomizable for your every need, WordPress is still the best CMS forsearch engine optimization.
A lot of businessowners are switching to WordPress to have a stronger, morecompetitive online presence. Most businesses are aiming at welldesigned and updated websites which can guide users to the neededinformation, service or product.
If you decide tostart your new WordPress site, or just need some advice on yourcurrent one, our Fixed team will be happy to assist every step of theway.