Making a profit from your website and extendingyour online presence is the main goal for most business owners.WordAds is theofficial advertising program available for WordPresswebsites, which helps you increase your earnings.
Atthe bottom of every WordPress website you can see the WordAds ads.Over 50 online advertisers such as Google AdSense & Adx, Yahoo,Amazon A9, AOL Marketplace, bid to display ads for their clients inWordAds spots. Due to the high demand and competition amongadvertisers, WordPress ensures that sites with the highest revenueget ad spots.
Howto apply for WordAds?
For the time being, WordAds is available onlyfor sites hosted with or self-hosted sites using theJetpack plugin. Business on Premium and e-commerce plans are eligiblefor WordAds and can apply here.
Afterthe approval of your account, once you activate it, you can now startmanaging your Ad Settings:
-ads visibility: who sees your ads. By default, they are shown toeveryone. You have the option to display the ads to visitors who arelogged out of their WordPress account, or pause the ads altogether.
-ad placement: allows you to turn on or off the ads for certain areason your site. Be advised that the placements depend of the theme anddifferent themes have different ad placements.

Ads earning
Youcan keep track of your current earnings by going to My sites – Earn– Ads Earnings
- the revenue earned since you’ve been enrolled in WordAds.
- the earnings that have been paid to you while you’ve beenenrolled in WordAds.
-earnings that still haven’t been paid out.
Whydo companies compete for WordAds?
Overtens of millions of WordPress sites display WordAds ads, reachingover a billion people per month. Advertisers are always competing forspots which leads to WordPress choosing the most high-qualitywebsites. This led to the creation of a platform for self-hostedWordPress sites using Jetpack Ads, available with the Jetpackplugin, providing millions of additional opportunities foradvertising.
Whatis Jetpack?
If you post content regularly on yourwebsite and already have a built audience for your site, generatingrevenue from it is the next step to evolve your online business.
Jetpackis a WordPress plugin which brings together many of the mostpowerful features on to self-hosted WordPress sites.
Once youactivate it, Jetpack will display ads from the approved advertiserson your site which allows you to earn money when readers click an acertain ad.
After you complete the application,you can install WordAds on your website with just a few simpleclicks. WordAds will place the ads automatically, which will optimizetheir placement as per the payout of your site so that you receivethe best return.
WordPress’s policy is to partner only with high quality advertisers that display only family-friendly ads. Gambling, nudity or ads with fraudulent claims are prohibited.
Automatedad targeting
WordPress uses video, retargeting, andprivate deals when showing the ad campaigns to your site’svisitors. This means the ads are based on their browsing history.Each visitor will view ads, especially targeted for them.

You don't have to have deep understanding of coding to add WordAds to your site. If you have any questions or need some guidance make sure to contact our Fixed team, available 24/7!