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Install a WordPress site

Posted 16th октомври, 2018

WordPress is simple to use, and installation is straightforward. Most good providers offer a Wordpress autoinstaller, which will create a default Wordpress installation and provide login credentials. However, even with the option of an autoinstaller, there can be benefits to a manual installation.


A Wordpress installation requires access to a hosting account with a hosting provider. This hosting provider will need to allow the creation of FTP Accounts and MySQL Databases.

Ensure that the FTP credentials can access the main website directory of the web hosting package. Often the hosting control panel login details also work for FTP.

The domain name that will run the Wordpress site should be pointing to the web space and accessible in the web browser.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the WordPress archive from the official website. By default this will be the latest stable version.
  2. Unzip the contents of this file and place it in the main hosting directory of the web hosting provider. Detailed steps as follows:

    • Unzip the 'wordpress' folder to a local folder.
    • Connect to the hosting provider over FTP using a desktop client such as Filezilla
    • Upload the content of the 'wordpress' folder to the site directory on the hosting. This is often public_html.
  3. Create a database on the web hosting platform. This should provide the following credentials:

    • A database name
    • A database username
    • A database password
    • A database server (defaults to localhost)
  4. Optionally enter this information into wp-config-sample.php where specified, and then rename that file to wp-config.php. This step simply saves a couple of minutes.

  5. Load the website in the web browser. Follow the steps outlined on the website (set the administrator details, configure language preferences...)

  6. The installation is complete!

Where next?

A first page can be created under Pages > New Page in the admin area at

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