Creating Staging Sites
Posted 27th ноември, 2018
The Backup Service can be used to create staging sites.
A Backup Snapshot can be restored to any website. There is no charge for restoring to an additional website, as long as either the source website or the host website has a Backup subscription or a Paid subscription. You will require our Backup Package or our Unlimited Package on either your main website or your staging website (we suggest the main website).
Therefore creating a Staging site is as simple as the following:
- Add your main site to, and set up Backups as standard. will securely store a copy of your files and database to the Cloud. You can backup on demand. Request an on demand backup of your website.
- Add an additional website to your plan. This should be a staging hosting environment, either on a new domain or a subdomain. We can help set this up for you if required as a website task.
- Set up backup credentials on the staging website.
- Go to your main website and restore files to the staging website rather than the main website.
- Navigate to your staging site and update your configuration file, setting up the new database credentials and overriding your website urls.
You can now restore backups between both your staging and live sites with ease. Just make sure that you tick 'do not overwrite configuration files' when restoring.