Creating Databases
Posted 04th октомври, 2018
MySQL Databases are used for most web applications including Wordpress, Joomla and Magento.
A functional database setup requires a database and a database user. That user has to have privlieges on a database. To connect to the database, a script then uses the database user to connect to the database.
Creating databases in cPanel is straightforward. cPanel allows either manual configuration, in which these steps are individually configured, or a setup wizard.
cPanel comes bundled by PHPMyAdmin, an application for viewing and managing MySQL Databases. By default, the cPanel user has access to the database and therefore clicking the PHPMyAdmin logo in cPanel will provide access to all databases on the cPanel account.
Remote Connections
When connecting to a database externally, the database hostname will be the name of the server. The following can be used interchangably.
- The server name
- The server IP address
- Any domain name that points to the web server
The remote IP address may need to be whitelisted under Remote Access.