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FTP Accounts

Posted 04th Oktober, 2018

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a method of uploading and downloading files from your web hosting account.

We recommend using FileZilla, which runs on Windows, Mac and Linux computers. You can download it at (choose FileZilla Client). Alternatively, you can also use a full desktop publishing program such as Dreamweaver or iWeb. FTP connection details are the same for any FTP software you choose.

You can use your cPanel username and password for your FTP credentials. As long as your website points to your hosts nameservers, the hostname is just your domain name. These will get you straight to your home directory, and your website files can be uploaded to the public_html folder. You can also set up separate FTP accounts.

  • Hostname: Your domain name, or the server name, or the IP address,
  • Username: Your cPanel username
  • Password: Your cPanel password
  • Port: 21

Note that if you change your cpanel password then your FTP password will also change.

Alternatively you can also use SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) on your cPanel hosting platform.

Connecting with Filezilla

  • First, go to the filezilla website at Click the download link.
  • Select which operating system you use to download the software. Install it.
  • Once installed, load up Filezilla. Note the navigation. At the top you see four boxes (Host, Username, Password and Port). These are where you need to enter your information to connect.