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Earn up to $100 USD per sale by referring to!

Know someone who needs WordPress help? Need a team of WooCommerce experts you can refer clients to? Develop websites on WordPress and then need to pass them on to a maintenance agency?

Refer to and earn cold, hard cash! We'll solve their problems and give you commission to say thanks. We pay a generous fixed rate per referral of up to $100!

Earn up to $100 USD per sale by referring to!

We pay a fixed commission per referral.

As you refer more people, you earn even more commission!

TierSales (last 30 days)One-time taskMaintenance plan
11-4$35 USD$50 USD
25-24$50 USD$100 USD

Activate your affiliate account instantly by creating an account and clicking the 'Affiliate' link. We give you a unique link you can put on your website or pass to anyone.

You can withdraw your commissions via PayPal or bank transfer, or transfer it to fixed account credit.

You will get commission for anything the referral orders in their first 60 days of signup. That means that if a client signs up for a one-time task and then shortly after upgrades (this happens a lot) you will earn commission for the maintenance plan also. It also means that if the referral signs up for multiple sites you will earn for each site.

Our WordPress and WooCommerce support includes:

  • Both one-time and ongoing WordPress support.
  • Malware cleanups
  • Ongoing WordPress maintenance
  • Premium WordPress hosting
  • Small tweaks and changes
  • WordPress error debugging
  • WooCommerce configuration
  • WordPress theme and plugin updates

Because we are a WordPress maintenance and hosting company only, we do not do custom design or development work. This means that we work exceptionally well with designers and plugin developers as we compliment, rather than compete, with their services.

Affiliate FAQs

How do I start?

Do I need to pay?

Is there a minimum committment?

How do I generate an affiliate link?